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SAR SQUAD Callout 01 DEC 21  5:45pm

The SAR Squad was tasked by police to assist with a vehicle that had rolled in the water up near Rimmers Rd.  The SAR Squad responded to the club, but when information came through as to where the incident was (18km up the beach) the risk assessment and response planning process identified that we couldn't go up the beach as the tide was too high, so the Police Eagle Helicopter flew up to the incident and picked up 3 injured people and two dogs, ( in 2 trips) and dropped them at awaiting ambos in front of the surf club… more emergency services excitement for the Muriwai Community who always wonder what is going on when they see the Police Eagle Helicopter or Westpac Helicopter circling and landing at Muriwai Beach!


Photos: Darrel, Glenn and Shane - Saturday night SAR Squad entertainment!

SAR SQUAD Callout at 27 October 2021 8pm

Here is the summary from Saturday nights SAR Squad callout and rescue of 3 swimmers / And another callout last night for an MVA up the beach (stood down).


RESCUE@ Muriwai. 1940. 27/11/21.

3 x persons were reported by a  member of the public as being in trouble in a rip and being pushed against the rocks below the gannet colony. Muriwai SAR Squad tasked. POL, St John and Westpac attended.


Three local Muriwai SAR Squad members responded within 5 mins, on arrival at Maori Bay, updated information was passed by onlookers stating that initially 5 swimmers caught in the rip and were washed up on to Sugarloaf Island, however 2 swimmers had made it back to Maori Bay. 


The SAR Squad did a quick risk assessment and based on the swell, tide and patient location, a tube swim rescue was initiated. All 3 lifeguards swam from Maori bay out and around to the Northern side of  Sugarloaf where the patients were up on the rocks. Westpac arrived overhead, however given the patients condition, deemed not required, Westpac landed at Muriwai Village green/rugby field. 


The patients claim that they had been in the water and on the rocks for around 2 hours ,all were shaken and had suffered cuts and lacerations to their legs, feet and hands. After an initial assessment, lifeguards prioritised the least stable patient for extraction first, put a rescue tube on the patients and assisted them all back into the water and across to Flat Rock to waiting Police and friends. St John were then able to provide support for water inhalation and cuts.  A significant emergency services response for what could have turned into a multiple fatality incident had the exhausted swimmers not managed to get onto the rocks. 

Patrol 4 Kite Surfer Rescue Saturday 13 November 2021

A late Saturday afternoon rescue made for an eventful end to patrol 4’s day, when the VPC Steve Sumner noticed a black shape far out in the back surf break.  It turned out to be a kite surfer struggling to get his kite back up. The patrol launched the one IRB still on the beach. When the kite surfer was reached he had drifted onto the bar in front of Flat Rock, where the 2m waves were confused and standing up. To add to this the kite surfer was unwilling to ditch his kite which made an IRB pick up impossible. Given the urgency of the situation, the young crew person Emma Chapman was sent into the water with a radio to assist the kite surfer.  While the IRB soloed back to the beach to pick up another guard.


While this was happening Steve was keeping comms in the tower with the IRB crew and organising back up support with the rest of the patrol.  The decision was quickly made to retrieve the second IRB as it had already been shut down and put back in the shed for the close of patrol.  Also three junior guards were sent to the elevated gannet lookout to keep an eye on the rescue and keep communication flowing as the tower was about to lose sight and comms with the rescue as they drifted around the corner of Maori Bay. While the event was unfolding a member of the public had also called the emergency services.  The police, surf com, and the coastguard were activated. 


Once the second IRB Crew member, Finn Jennings, was picked up from the beach the IRB drove back to the last known location of the kite surfer and lifeguard. By this time Emma and the kite surfer had drifted passed Māori Bay and eventually reached the next beach opposite Shag Rock, a distance of about 1km, and were luckily making their way back into the beach when the IRB arrived.


They had been in the water for quite some time in very challenging conditions and the young guard Emma showed true professionalism and courage, not only keeping the kite surfer calm but also convincing him to ditch his kite which was blown into Maori Bay.  Once on the beach the kite surfer was checked and physically fine but very tired and also in a little shock at the events that had unfolded. Needless to say he was very glad to be back on dry land and just wanted to get back home.


Muriwai Volunteer
Lifeguard Service


100 Jack Butt Lane 
Muriwai Regional Park 
Muriwai Beach 

09 411 8045

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