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The new 2023/2024 registration form for new club memberships or renewing your membership is now available for Senior Members (both Active Lifeguards and Associate Members), Junior Members and Social Members.


Please note: If this is the first time you have signed up using GAMEDAY you will need to Sign Up to create a new login and password before proceeding to the Muriwai registration form.  If you signed up last season using GAMEDAY you can use your Login and password from last season.


Active Lifeguard $75,  Associate Member $75, Junior Member $75, Social Member $25

Use the links below to renew your annual membership or to become a member - if you have any queries please contact our Administrator by email:  


The Muriwai volunteer lifeguard service primarily patrols Muriwai Beach, west of Auckland. We patrol every weekend, from Labour Weekend to Easter. Every year, we give up our personal time to patrol the beach, ensuring that visitors to our beach remain safe.


Whilst on patrol, we set the red and yellow flags to surround the safest area on the beach. If necessary, we move the flags as the beach conditions change. As our lifeguards are volunteers, we will always welcome new members. If you are over 14, and able to swim, we are keen to train you up to become a volunteer surf life guard. Training takes approximately ten hours. Once a lifeguard, you can expect to continue learning advanced skills, like performing first aid, driving our IRBs, all the way up to jumping out of helicopters!


Muriwai VLS offers a variety of advanced lifeguard training for its members. For more info on any of these courses, please contact the relevant committee member.


To patrol our beach, you must be qualified as a surf lifeguard. If you’re over 14 and able to swim, we’ll train you up to gain your Surf Lifeguard Award.


We have moved back to having 6 Patrols this year and have introduced a 'Weekend Patrol' for some returning lifeguards. We are keen to recruit/retain lifeguards to build our lifeguard numbers.

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